About Our Church
We believe that the only true basis of fellowship among Christians is God’s love, which is greater than any differences we possess and without which we have no right to claim to be Christians. We believe worship of God should be spiritual, thus we remain flexible and yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit to direct our worship. We believe worship of God should be inspirational, thus we give a great place to music in our services. We believe worship of God should be intelligent, thus we give a great emphasis to the teaching of the Word of God in order for Him to instruct us in how He wants to be worshipped. We believe worship of God should be fruitful, thus we look for His love in our lives as evidence that we have truly been worshipping Him. Our desire is to be led & empowered by the Holy Spirit to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, to be a worshipping fellowship, experiencing the awareness of God, recognizing His person, & responding in obedience to His leadership, experiencing an increasingly meaningful fellowship with God & fellow believers, and to help people experience a growing knowledge of God and His Word as disciples who are growing in maturity and Christlikeness.
We have Communion (Lord's Supper) every service on the Lord's Day, which is open to all believers.
We practice believer's baptism (by immersion).